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Image by Jr Korpa




Dream Appreciation Group

Dream Appreciation

3 month online Personal & Spiritual Development group

As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.
Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart ...

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.

The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul,

which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach.


"The Meaning of Psychology for Modern Man". Lecture by Carl Jung, 1931. 

Carl Gustav Jung 

Dreams have fascinated me all my life and have always played an integral part of my private sessions with clients over the years. It was a "dream" which lead me to attend and travel to Tsau! a conservancy for White Lions in Timbavati. I was attending Wynter Worsthorne's Star Lion Journey and met her co-facilitator Dr. Graham Saayman. It was here where I was introduced to the Dream Appreciation method, and found its benefits in a group context deeply valuable. I soon signed up to train as a facilitator under his wise mentorship and sagacious guidance.

Since 2014 I have been facilitating group dream work on retreats, and with individuals in my private sessions. I am still in awe at the profound insights gained by the entire group as we unpack and appreciate the dreamer's dream. 

Dream symbol appreciation ultimately leads us to a heart-path choice....Unveiling our deeper intuitive insights ...

The experience

The Dream Appreciation experience is designed to enable a group of 6 - 8 participants to explore the meaning of dreams using a step by step process, derived from Jungian theory, which offers a safe and effective approach to dream appreciation in a group context (1). 


Research indicates that the process effectively reduces anxiety whilst safeguarding the well-being of participants (2). In an accepting and respectful atmosphere, participants learn how dreams can restore balance and harmony by suggesting creative solutions to problems of everyday life.

Confidentiality is emphasised in order to create a safe environment for the whole group and to protect the integrity of the person who volunteers to share a dream. Participants can decide if and when they want to share a dream. The dreamer is supported by the group facilitator and remains in control at all times, knowing they can stop the procedure at any time. This may happen when the dreamer feels satisfied that the dream has been adequately understood.

(1) Shuttleworth-Jordan, A. B., Saayman, G. S. & Faber, P.A. (1988)  A systematised method for dream analysis in a group setting.  International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 38: 473-489.

(2)  Shuttleworth-Jordan, A. B., Saayman, G. S. (1989)  Differential effects of alternative strategies on psychotherapeutic process in group dream work. Psychotherapy: Theory/Research/Practice/Training, 26, 514-519.

How does it work?

The group will meet every fortnight for 3 months. 

The duration of the sessions are 2 hours each, and the group is limited to 6 to 8 participants. 

We will open each session with a meditation and relaxation practice. This allows us to open to our intuitive intelligence. 

We will then follow the dream appreciation method of unpacking the dream through a formalised set of inquiring questions. 

Every week, a volunteer in the group will offer a dream they have experienced. Once the dream is shared, the group asks curious questions and assists in fleshing out the details of the dream. Together we will discern what type of dream category the dream falls in, which symbols are pertinent to the dreamer and how these symbols relate to the dreamer's current life.

This process assist the dreamer to remember further details, and starts the process of understanding their dream further.

The group then offers any intuitive insights on the symbolism, which expands the dreamers understanding of the dream, and may bring new perspectives into consciousness. 

The dreamer stays in sovereignty of their own dream, and has the power to choose if offered insights feels resonant for them of not. 


Your facilitator in Dream Appreciation

My name is Eleftheria, of Hellenic descent, it means liberty or freedom. In essence this is what I stand for - the liberation of the sacred feminine within us all. I have been deeply honoured to have had the privilege to work with women’s personal and spiritual develop for 20 years now.

Every story has touched me deeply and has contributed to my own sense of place, purpose and power. My work as transformation facilitator is a marriage between my training in clinical psychology and women’s spirituality. I am passionate about myth and story as healing tools.

Dreams have fascinated me all my life and have always played an integral part of my private sessions with clients over the years. It was a "dream" which lead me to attend and travel to Tsau! a conservancy for White Lions in Timbavati. I was attending Wynter Worsthorne's Star Lion Journey and met her late mentor Dr. Graham Saayman.

It was here where I was introduced to the Dream Appreciation method, and found its benefits in a group context deeply valuable. I soon signed up to train as a facilitator under his wise mentorship and sagacious guidance.

Working with dream appreciation in a group context has been a deeply powerful experience for me. As the group builds trust and share in the magic of bringing the unconscious to the conscious, the intuitive wisdom of the collective unconscious gifts the group wisdom which is relevant to all participants. 

Course  Details

We will meet every forth-night for the duration of 3 months. This experience is open to 6 participants only, to ensure that each dreamer receives the appropriate time to appreciate the full details of their dream. 


Each session is the duration of 2 hours. 


We meet every two weeks.


We meet for 3 months, and then decide to continue for another 3 month cycle.

Zoom Meeting

The sessions will be hosted on Zoom.

If you would like to deeper your personal and spiritual growth through the intuitive intelligence of your dream space then this is the course for you. 


Doors are open! We start our Dream Work Group on the 2 March - 25 May 2023 

Application Form

Thanks for submitting your application!!


The total invest for the 3 month cycle of the Dream Appreciation Group experience is $255,00. Payment terms are $85,00 per month. 

If you are South-African, please contact me directly for payment details. 

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
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